
Showing posts from July, 2023

Death of Affirmative Action? Imagined Uncle Sam’s Merit Machine!

Table of Contents What is Affirmative Action? The Equal Protection Clause University Scholarship Programs Negative Action Uncle Sam’s Merit Machine Not too long ago, the media were awash with news and commentaries about how the US Supreme Court ruled against the Bill of Affirmative Action on the basis that it was discriminatory because it was against the fundamental principles of equality under the law. This essay aims to review the concept of Affirmative Action and its correlations and attempt to imagine a society where Uncle Sam’s Merit Machine is hoisted as the only mechanism of selection to any university, employment, the appointment of judges to any court, or even the supreme court and any decision affecting the people. What is Affirmative Action? In the United States, it is a conscious effort by the state, government, and voluntary private programs to improve employment, educational, and federal government appointments to include members of groups who have historically been