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Showing posts from February, 2023

The Sioux’s Sun Dance – prohibition, liberation, and protection

Table of Contents Who are the Sioux? Lakota Dakota Nakota Sun Dance Ceremony Sun Dance – The Prohibition and Liberation Protecting Sun Dance from Evil Influencers Conclusion The origin of the name ‘Sioux’ provoked my interest in finding out more about their most important religious event called Sun Dance. Also, having read about the porcupines' 'moon dance' described in a fictional story in The Grumbling Warehouse , my interest grew more in understanding the Sun Dance ceremony. The Sioux people or otherwise referred to as the People of the Seven Council Fires: Wahpekute, Sistonwan, Ihanktown, Ihanktowana, Tetonwan, Wahpetonwan, and Mdewankanton constitute the people generally described as Native Americans. How did the name Sioux come about? The French merchants in search of fur in Northern Wisconsin lakes and Minnesota were prevented by the Dakota people from advancing further west. The French merchants wanted to find out who the Dakota people were from Ojibwe. Perhaps, d...

The Muslims' Perceptions of Christianity

Table of Contents From the Qur’an The Being of God Himself The Polemics against the Trinity The Influence of Kalam Conclusion The Muslims’ perceptions of Christianity have always been based on the fundamental principle of Islam, that is, there is no god but God and Muhammad is the prophet of God. Every argument takes bearing from the fundamental belief of the indivisibility of God. Below is a brief description of how Muslims perceive Christianity. From the Qur’an The Qur’an objects to the idea of God being one but in three persons – Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. It does not acknowledge the Trinity, and it extends to Christianity’s doctrine of the Incarnation and as such, the authenticity of the Bible. As described elsewhere in this blog about the nature of Jesus, the Islamic theological and scriptural understanding of the nature of Jesus are unique when compared to Christianity. The Muslim polemics about the oneness of God, the Sonship of Jesus and the authenticity of the Bibl...