time is too late for God to show his might, love, empathy, and care. He does care and wants to identify with
us. Zechariah didn't see it coming. It wasn't a lottery, but he won the greatest affectionate draw in
biblical history, following in the footsteps of Abraham. That's one of the
implications of the nativity. The coming of 'God with us' opens every door.
time is too early for God. Humans exist in time and space, but God
doesn't. 'Why me?' Mary asked. 'I'm but a virgin.' Doing the impossible in the
eyes of mankind is a way God puts his stamp on the envelope of salvation
history. He posted his good news of redemption through an innocent, childlike, simple girl. His Son is the Good News because he's salvation himself.
the new and old met; the virgin and the barren embraced; the young and the
elder entertained. Her greeting was simple but powerful. She said: 'Hello
Elizabeth!' The child in her womb leaped for joy. And peace, love, and hope
sprung forth like flowers in his path. Her nativity story was full of
times when God mixes with us, there seems to be confusion. The child was born.
His relatives were shocked and surprised that God could pull such a miracle.
Astounded, they wanted to name him after his father, Zechariah. His mother
objected. However, only one person could decide the name of the boy. The dumb
father then wrote: 'His name is John.' His power of speech was restored.
was left out in his nativity; the mighty and the lowly were all involved. The
shepherds watch their flock at night against perhaps, wild beasts and thieves.
They also indirectly (not unknowingly) kept watch as the new-born King arrived at
the world. The stars and moon were very bright unlike many nights. The glory of
God was more than they could stand. They were terrified.
At last, love became incarnate; the Word took flesh and dwelt among us. He's 'God with us,' 'Wonderful Counsellor,' and 'Prince of Peace.' He came borrowing everything: He adopted the stable as hospital, took the manger as a crib, and the flock volunteered as nurses and midwives. His nativity is the story of your life.