
Showing posts from August, 2021

Understanding the status of Jews, Christians and other protected Religious Communities under Muslim state

Table of Contents The People of the Book Freedom of Worship – The Legal Tradition Jews and Christians and other Protected Communities under Muslim State Dhimmis The ringing of Church Bells Conclusion Understanding the term  dhimmi(s)  (i.e., the status and treatment of Jews, Christians, and other protected religious communities) and its usage in the Qur’an will help us understand the levels of tolerance, acceptance, and pluralism in the Qur’an especially when it comes to  Ahl al-Kitab  (that is, the people of the book). Arguably and theologically though, mere possession of sacred Books, practising monotheism, and claiming the faith of Abraham already mark them (Muslims, Jews, Christians) as people of (one) the book. Examining the term  dhimmis  and the Qur’anic stipulation will throw some light on the relationship between Muslims and other bodies of the people of the book. Some clarifications are required here, especially with the term, the people of the book. The People of the Book Th