Table of Contents Biblical Foundation of the Blessed Trinity Wisdom in Wisdom Literature The Idea of the Word of God Personified The Spirit of God as God’s Presence in Creation Christian monotheism is a divine revelation that focuses on the Blessed Trinity. It is the claim that there are three persons in one God: God the Father, God, the Son, and God, the Holy Spirit. This idea is not limited to John 1:1-3 and John 14, that is, the incarnation and the via et veritas et vita discourses. Many other biblical writings and conciliar decrees attest to it. It is claimed that the incarnation reveals the Blessed Trinity. The Catholic Preface Prayer of Christmas 1, The Weekday Missal expounds on the mystery of the incarnation as leading to the glory of the Blessed Trinity because in Jesus, God is made known, and we become overwhelmed by the love of God. [i] The Preface Prayer of the Blessed Trinity delineates more the underlining of Christianity’s claim...
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